Barbecued duck breast with white coleslaw

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This quick and flavoursome barbecued duck recipe from Josh Eggleton is ideal for the summer months. Kohlrabi is an earthy, crunchy and refreshing addition to coleslaw. For a gluten-free option, replace soy with tamari sauce.

First published in 2015
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Glazed duck

Soy dipping sauce

White coleslaw


  • Barbecue


For the soy dipping sauce, combine the soy sauces, vinegar and water in a small pan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, stir in the agar agar and return to the boil
Remove from the heat and pour into a large bowl over ice to cool quickly. Transfer to a shallow container and allow to set in the fridge for 30 minutes. Once set, blend and pass through a fine strainer
Heat a barbecue (or you can also use a griddle pan) until extremely hot. To prepare the duck breast, remove any sinew or excess fat, score the skin and set aside
For the glaze, whisk together the honey, five-spice powder, oil and vinegar. Use a pastry brush to evenly coat the breast
Place the breasts on the barbecue, skin side-down, and allow to cook until the skin is a dark golden colour. Turn and cook on the other side for another 3–4 minutes, applying the glaze 4–5 times as it cooks
Turn the duck breast onto the skin side for a second time and move to a cooler part of the grill, glazing and finishing the cooking process for an additional 3 minutes. Allow to rest before carving
For the coleslaw, chiffonade the cabbage, grate or julienne the kohlrabi and finely slice the shallot. Combine in a bowl together with the remaining ingredients and mix well
Carve the duck breast and serve alongside the coleslaw and the dipping sauce
First published in 2015

Josh Eggleton turned down jobs with some of Britain’s most renowned chefs in order to follow his dream of running his own establishment. At The Pony Chew Valley, he cooks modern British food with an emphasis on sustainability and artisanship.

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