Ham hock terrine with a jammy egg and parsley mayonnaise

  • 8
  • 1 hour 30 minutes plus 12 hours for slow-cooking and chilling
Not yet rated

This simple ham hock terrine is made by wrapping jammy Freshlay Farms Golden Yolker® eggs in a rich ham hock terrine. The ham hock needs to cook for 8 hours, and the terrine rests for at least 4 hours, so make sure to start this dish well in advance.

First published in 2024




Ham hock terrine



  • cheesecloth



Season the ham hock all over with salt


Cut the onion in quarters and chop the garlic bulb in half. Place them in the bottom of a Dutch oven or oven-proof casserole dish to create a trivet


Place the ham hock on top. Pour in the wine and then cover the ham hock completely with boiling pork stock

  • 250ml of white wine
  • pork stock, as needed, about 1–2 litres, boiling hot

Place in an oven at 98°C and slow-cook for around 8 hours. The meat should be fork tender and fall off the bone


Strain off the stock and then simmer until reduced by two thirds 


Pull the meat apart and place the shreds aside in a large mixing bowl


Add the parsley and ladle in the reduced stock until meat is bound into an unctuous sticky mass. Add the lemon zest then season as needed with salt. Set aside to cool completely


Boil the eggs for 7 minutes


Roll out a large piece of cling film onto a clean work surface. Cover the entire surface with the meat mixture and carefully place the peeled eggs in the centre in a line 


Carefully roll the terrine up using the cling film and roll into a tight log so that eggs are in the centre of the log. Twist the cling film up at either end to form a tight sausage shape


Let the terrine cool in the fridge for at least 4 hours


While the terrine chills, make the mayonnaise. Blanch the parsley in salted, boiling water for 30 seconds


Wring all moisture out of the parsley. Blend with the oil using a stick blender until the parsley is completely broken down. To prevent your blender overheating it can be best to do this in stages, to let the blender motor cool in between

  • 450ml of sunflower oil, or vegetable oil

Strain the oil through cheesecloth and set aside


Blend together the egg yolk, vinegar and Dijon mustard with a pinch of salt for 1 minute or until slightly thickened


Slowly drizzle the green oil into the egg yolk emulsion with the motor running in a steady stream until all the oil is completely incorporated. Taste and season with more vinegar or salt as needed


Unwrap the terrine and cut into slices, then serve with the mayonnaise, cornichons and some toasted baguette

  • cornichons, to serve
  • baguette, toasted, to serve
First published in 2024

Anna Søgaard is the head chef at Bistro Freddie in Shoreditch, and the co-founder of Suppher Club in Manchester. She was formerly sous chef at Erst.

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