Roast rump of Dorset rosé veal with caramelised sweetbreads, sauté potatoes, artichokes and tomatoes

  • medium
  • 4
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
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This veal recipe from Matthew Tomkinson is a comforting dish of tender veal rump, delicate sweetbreads, hearty potatoes and a tangy tomato compote. The sweetbreads should be started two days in advance, as they need to soak, but their lovely sweetness once cooked will be well-worth the extra bit of effort.




Sweet breads

Potatoes and artichokes

Tomato compote

To plate


Soak the sweetbread for two days in cold water (changing twice), drain and place in a saucepan. Cover with cold water and squeeze the lemon juice in, add the bay leaf and season with salt and sugar
Cover with a cartouche of greaseproof paper and bring up to a simmer, then gently poach for 5 minutes until the sweetbread feels firm and remove from the heat
Allow to go cool in the liquid then remove and carefully peel away the outer membrane. Rinse in the poaching liquor and then cut into four portions
For the potatoes and artichokes, slice each potato into 8 and cut 16 small discs from each of these slices. Cut each artichoke heart into 6 and set aside
To make the tomato compote, place the tomatoes in a stainless steel saucepan and allow to very gently cook down. When almost dry add the olive oil and season
When you are ready to serve, brown the steaks with 20g of the butter in a hot non-stick pan for 10 minutes and then rest for 5 minutes. When cooked to your liking remove, season and rest
Drain the fat from the pan and add the same amount of butter again. Lightly flour the sweetbreads and brown in the hot butter. When golden, remove and season with salt, sugar and lemon juice
Drain the pan again and add 20g of butter. Caramelise the artichoke and potato slices, carefully turning them in the butter and when golden, add the spinach and allow to wilt
On a warm serving plate place drops of the tomato compote and some of the potatoes, spinach and artichokes. Slice the veal and place on top with a piece of the sweetbread, some of the baby basil and a few spoons of the veal jus

Matthew Tomkinson’s elegant and highly accomplished food earned him a Roux Scholarship in 2005, as well as Michelin stars at The Goose and The Montagu Arms.

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