
Hot lapsang souchong smoked salmon, new potatoes and spring green salad




For the salmon, place the tea on a smoking tray, or a metal baking tray, and sit the salmon on a rack over it. Cover with tin foil and smoke the salmon slowly for between 30-45 minutes on the stove top, before leaving to cool slightly
For the potato salad, place the new potatoes in a pan of cold salted water and bring to the boil
Simmer until cooked through, about 20-30 minutes. Once cooked, remove from the water and leave to cool slightly before slicing the potatoes
Blanch the green beans in boiling salted water about 3-5 minutes. Remove from the water and leave to cool slightly
Remove the core of the spring greens and wash the leaves. Pat dry and shred up finely, pick the coriander leaves and dill fronds. Finely slice the spring onions
Mix all of the salad ingredients together, including the sliced potatoes
For the dressing, place the lemon juice, salt and Dijon mustard in a mixing bowl and whisk in with olive oil gradually
To plate, dress the spring green and potato mix and leave for 2-3 minutes to soak up the dressing
Place the mix on the plate and gently place the salmon on top. Spoon over some more dressing and serve with a sprig of dill to garnish

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Hot lapsang souchong smoked salmon, new potatoes and spring green salad

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