Halibut ceviche with mango and passion fruit


Martin Wishart's halibut ceviche with mango recipe makes a colourful seafood starter, full of exotic flavour from passion fruit, a dash of tequila and coriander oil. Make sure you only buy the freshest halibut for this dish




Halibut ceviche

Coriander oil


  • 50g of white wine vinegar
  • 50g of caster sugar


Tomato fondue

To serve


  • Muslin cloth
  • Blender


Begin by preparing the coriander oil. Add the coriander leaves, oil and salt to a blender and blitz to form a paste. Transfer the paste to a pan and bring to the boil
Remove from the heat and add to a bag of muslin cloth. Leave the cloth hanging over a jug to collect all of the oil that drips through
For the tomato fondue (this will be used for the ceviche mix), add the oil to a pan and sweat the onion and garlic until soft but not coloured
Add the tomato flesh and bouquet garni and cover with a cartouche. Cook over a low heat for 45-55 minutes until soft, sweet and almost dry
  • 1 bouquet garni
  • 200g of plum tomatoes, flesh only - skin and seeds removed
Remove from the heat, discard the bouquet garni and allow to cool before transferring to a blender. Blitz until smooth, then set aside until required
To make a gastrique for the dressing, place the vinegar and caster sugar in a pan and bring to the boil. Once the mix has turned a light golden colour, remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature
  • 10g of white wine vinegar
  • 10g of caster sugar
Dice the halibut into 1cm cubes and season with the flaky sea salt. Set aside while you make the dressing
Add the lemon juice, sugar, salt and 15ml of the gastrique to a bowl and whisk to combine. Pour over the halibut and squeeze over the lime juice. Add 10g of the tomato fondue per portion and flavour with tequila to taste
Finely chiffonade the coriander leaves and add to the ceviche mix along with the diced tomato flesh. Add a line of the ceviche to a long serving bowl, or use 6-7cm rings to create neat mounds in round serving bowls
Arrange the mango on top of the ceviche. Scoop the pulp from the passion fruits into a bowl and lightly whisk to break up the fruit. Add a tablespoon of the passion fruit over the top of the ceviche and drizzle with coriander oil before serving

Although steeped in the techniques of the classical French kitchen, Martin Wishart’s culinary imagination has a distinctly contemporary edge.

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