Buffalo mozzarella with peas, broad beans, mint, lemon and olive oil


This simple mozzarella salad recipe from Robert Thompson features creamy buffalo mozzarella, lovely fresh peas and broad beans for a wonderfully summery dish. The mint and lemon are spectacular together in adding further freshness to this verdant salad – a summer treat with a twist.

First published in 2015
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Mozzarella salad


Drain the mozzarella balls from their liquid and place on a tray. Cover in cling film and allow to come up to room temperature – this allows the cheese to soften and brings out the delicate flavour of the mozzarella
Drop the broad beans into a pan of boiling water. After a minute, add the peas and allow to cook for another minute. Strain the beans and peas and immediately refresh in iced water for 5 minutes. Pop all of the broad beans out of their skins using the tip of a small knife and remove the little white germ, which can have a bitter flavour
Mix the broad beans and peas together with the mint and pea shoots. Add the juice of one lemon to taste and add a few drops of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste
To plate, tear each mozzarella ball in half and season lightly. Divide piles of the broad beans, peas and pea shoots between four plates and top with the mozzarella. Finish with another spoonful of the peas and beans, some olive oil and a little more lemon juice. Garnish with the lemon wedges and serve
First published in 2015

Robert Thompson's cooking is full of character and classical skill.

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