
Smoked bacon hash with a fried duck egg


Smoked bacon hash

To serve

Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6
Prick the potatoes all over with a fork, put them directly on the oven shelf and bake for about an hour or until the potatoes are slightly undercooked
Meanwhile, grill or fry the bacon rashers until they are cooked, then chop them roughly
Finely chop the shallots and sage. Heat a little rapeseed oil in a frying pan and cook them gently, without browning, until the shallots are soft
Using a clean tea towel to hold the potatoes, peel and grate the potatoes into a mixing bowl while they are still hot
Add the shallot and sage mixture, then the cooked bacon and mix thoroughly. Season with ground white pepper only – no salt
Divide the mixture into four portions and shape as desired. Place on a small tray or plate and chill for at least 30 minutes
Put a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add a little rapeseed oil and fry the hash cakes until golden brown on each side. Remove from the pan and keep warm
  • 1 dash of rapeseed oil
Add a little more rapeseed oil to the pan along with the butter and fry the duck eggs to your liking
To serve, sit a smoked bacon hash cake in the middle of each serving plate and place a fried duck egg on top. Accompany with tomato and apple chutney or a spoonful of tomato ketchup

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