
Rhubarb and beetroot ketchup


Rhubarb and beetroot ketchup

To begin, cook the beetroot by roasting it in foil or boiling in salted water until soft, for 1–2 hours
Sweat down the onions and ginger with a pinch of salt in a splash of vegetable oil
Add the rhubarb to the pan and slowly sweat down, occasionally stirring to prevent it from sticking. The rhubarb will break down and release water. Once it has almost turned to mush, add the vinegar and sugar
In a spice grinder, blitz the star anise, juniper and clove to a powder then add to the pan with the rhubarb. Cook out for 5 minutes
Add the rhubarb mixture to a blender with the beetroot and blend until smooth
Taste and season with salt – it may need more sugar or vinegar depending on the tartness of your rhubarb
Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a month

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Rhubarb and beetroot ketchup

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