Pork belly and chorizo cassoulet terrine with chorizo mayonnaise and pickles


This stunning terrine recipe from Robert Thompson is inspired by the flavours of a comforting pork cassoulet spiked with smokey chorizo. Paired with light, crisp crackling and a silky chorizo mayonnaise, this is a great starter recipe if you're catering for bigger numbers.

First published in 2019




Chorizo oil

  • 400g of chorizo, finely chopped
  • 400g of pomace oil (1), or another neutral oil

Pickled shallot


Chorizo mayonnaise

Puffed crackling

  • pig skin
  • 1l vegetable oil, to fry in (can be reused)

To serve


  • Squeezy bottle
  • Blow torch
  • Thermometer


Begin this recipe the day before you intend to serve as the terrine needs time to chill and set before slicing. Carefully slice the skin from the pork belly and set aside
Slice the pork belly lengthwise to open up a full seam along the length of the belly
Mix the sausage meat, beans, chorizo, herbs, seasoning and eggs together
Spoon the mixture down the length of the belly then fold the meat over and roll tightly in greased tin foil. Wrap again in cling film to make water tight
Cook in simmering water for 3 hours then chill completely
Next prepare the pig skin for the puffed crackling. Using a blow torch burn off any small hairs that are on the pork skin. Bring the pork skin to the boil in a large pan of water seasoned with a good few pinches of salt. Once boiling reduce the heat and cook slowly for 3 hours
Carefully remove the skin and then scrape as much of the excess fat off as possible. Place on a baking tray lined with silicone paper before placing in a very low oven overnight (ideally around 95°C).The pork skin is ready when it’s brittle and snaps as you bend it
To make the chorizo oil, sauté the chorizo until well coloured and then cover with the oil. Take off the heat and once cooled, refrigerate. Leave to infuse for 24 hours then strain
  • 400g of chorizo, finely chopped
  • 400g of pomace oil (1), or another neutral oil
To make the pickled shallots, Bring the vinegar, water and sugar to the boil. Add the spices and parsley stalks and then pour over the sliced shallot. Allow to cool and then cover before chilling in the fridge. Leave to pickle for at least 12 hours before using
The next day, finish off the crackling by heating a pan of cooking oil no more than a third full to 220°C
  • 1l vegetable oil, to fry in (can be reused)
Very carefully fry the pork skin in small batches. As it sinks in the oil it will puff up and expand very quickly, once this has happened remove from the oil, drain well and season with fine salt.
Whisk the egg yolks, vinegar and mustard together. Slowly add the chorizo oil while whisking until you have a thick mayonnaise. Taste and season with lemon juice and salt and transfer to a squeezy bottle. Reserve leftover chorizo oil for plating
Once the terrine is chilled it can be sliced into portions. Portion your terrine, and leave to come up to room temperature before serving
Lightly brush the terrine portions with a little leftover chorizo oil and season with a pinch of salt and a crack of black pepper
Plate the terrine with dots of chorizo mayonnaise, chorizo cubes and slices, pickled shallots, gherkin slices, puffed crackling and fresh parsley
First published in 2019

Robert Thompson's cooking is full of character and classical skill.

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