Lobster tagliatelle

  • medium
  • 4
  • 2 hours 15 minutes

Big on both flavour and luxury, lobster tagliatelle is a favourite in many southern Italian coastal towns. Bring some sunshine into your kitchen by whipping up Francesco Mazzei's lobster tagliatelle recipe - a gorgeous take on a classic. For more information on cooking lobster, go to our how to cook lobster page.

First published in 2015




Lobster tagliatelle

Tomato sauce

Lobster stock


For the tomato sauce, add a thin film of olive oil to a medium saucepan and place over a medium heat. Once hot, sweat the garlic until golden, then add the basil and onion and stir for a further 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes to break down, then pass through a mouli and set aside to cool
Preheat the oven to 200˚C/gas mark 6
For the lobster stock, place the lobster shells, onion, celery and carrot on a baking tray and roast in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes
Meanwhile, add the brandy to a large saucepan, reduce until almost dry then add the wine and reduce until almost dry again
  • 25ml of brandy
  • 125ml of white wine
Stir in the star anise and tomato paste, then add the roasted shells and vegetables. Cover with water and simmer for approximately 1 1/2 hours, skimming off any scum that floats to the surface. Once ready, pass through a fine strainer and set aside
To begin the sauce, place a pan over a medium heat and add the extra virgin olive oil. Once hot, gently fry the garlic, thyme and chilli until tender, then add the spring onions and stir through. While they are still alive but insensate, quickly and firmly cut the lobsters in half lengthways, remove the claws from the lobster and freeze or use for another dish. Add the lobsters to the hot pan and pour in the brandy
Add the star anise, tomatoes, the tomato sauce and a good ladle of lobster stock. Cover with a lid and simmer for approximately 5 - 8 minutes
Meanwhile, drop the tagliatelle into salted boiling water and stir thoroughly for the first 1 - 2 minutes - this will ensure it does not stick together. Cook until al dente for 7 - 8 minutes
  • salt
  • 350g of tagliatelle, dried
Just before the pasta is ready, remove the lobster halves and use strong kitchen scissors to trim off the legs and antennae so you are left with neat body portions. Strain the pasta and add to the pan with the sauce, along with a splash of the pasta water. Finish the pasta with a dash of olive oil, salt, pepper, parsley and basil and toss to coat
To serve, use a pair of tongs or carving fork to gather the pasta and arrange left of centre on each plate. Add the lobster, any remaining sauce from the pan and micro basil. Serve immediately
First published in 2015

Francesco Mazzei reminds us why we fell in love with Italian food in the first place, conjuring soulful dishes that put flavour first.

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