Spiced diver-caught Scottish scallops

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Scallops and cauliflower are often paired, but this scallop recipe from Matthew Tomkinson adds crunchy fresh salad to balance the rich and soft textures of the scallops. Coriander cress is a micro-leaved variety of the herb. If you can’t find it then just pick off a few young leaves from a larger plant.

First published in 2015




Spiced Scottish scallop recipe

Cumin velouté recipe

  • 1/2 onion, finely sliced
  • 2 tbsp of white wine
  • 2 tbsp of cumin seeds, toasted and crushed
  • 42ml of whipping cream
  • 42ml of milk
  • olive oil

Cauliflower purée recipe

  • 1 cauliflower, cut into small florets
  • 1 tbsp of water
  • 42ml of double cream
  • salt

To plate


For the cauliflower purée, start by cutting the cauliflower into small florets. Steam or boil them until tender. Place in a blender with the cream and process to a smooth purée. Pass through a fine sieve, season and keep warm
To make the cumin velouté, start by finely slicing the onion and then sweat in a little olive oil until translucent. Add the cumin seeds and then the white wine. Boil until almost dry and add the cream and milk. Bring up to a simmer and pass through a fine sieve. Keep warm
  • 2 tbsp of white wine
  • 2 tbsp of cumin seeds
  • 42ml of whipping cream
  • 42ml of milk
  • 1/2 onion
  • olive oil
Dry the scallops on kitchen paper and dust with the ras el hanout, and in a hot pan, colour the scallops for one minute on both sides and leave to one side to rest. Season the scallops with salt, a pinch of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice
Place a couple of spoons of the cauliflower purée on a warmed plate and top with three of the scallops. Toss the fennel and apple together with a squeeze of lemon and season. Place this on top of the scallops and pour some of the cumin sauce around the outside
First published in 2015

Matthew Tomkinson’s elegant and highly accomplished food earned him a Roux Scholarship in 2005, as well as Michelin stars at The Goose and The Montagu Arms.

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