
Soaked savarin with Scottish raspberries




  • 400ml of water
  • 200g of sugar
  • 1 punnet of raspberries , dressed with a drizzle of lemon juice and olive oil

To serve

  • 600ml of whipping cream, whipped into soft peaks
In a large, clean bowl, mix together the flour, butter, yeast, honey, salt, and the fruit juice and zest
Crack the eggs into a separate bowl, and add to the flour mix one by one, beating all the while until you achieve a thin, shiny batter
Put the batter into a piping bag, and carefully pipe into the 6 greased, floured savarin moulds
Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas mark 4. Leave the mould in a warm place and allow the batter to prove. It should double in size
Once the batter has doubled in size, put the mould into the oven and bake until the cake is golden brown
Once cooked, remove from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool. When the cake has cooled to room temperature, remove the mould and leave the cake to cool further
Whilst the cake is cooling, make a syrup. In a clean pan, combine the sugar and water over a medium heat until all the sugar has dissolved. Continue to cook until the mix reduces down to a syrup texture
  • 400ml of water
  • 200g of sugar
Bring the syrup to the boil, and add the savarin to the pan. Re-boil then remove from the heat and leave to cool. Repeat this process with the remaining 5 savarins
When the syrup cools, remove the savarin and drain thoroughly. Place in the centre of a serving plate
Fill the hole with whipped cream and raspberries and serve immediately

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Soaked savarin with Scottish raspberries

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