
Pastel de queijo



  • 455g of plain flour
  • 60g of butter
  • 40g of baking powder
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 250ml of milk
  • 50ml of Cachaça
  • 20ml of water
  • 8g of salt

Cheese filling

To assemble and fry

To make the pastry, place the flour, butter, baking powder and egg yolk in the bowl of a stand mixer
In a small pan set over a low heat, gently warm through the milk, water, Cachaça and salt. Pour over the flour mixture in the bowl, then knead for 12–15 minutes (alternatively mix together in a large bowl and knead well by hand)
  • 250ml of milk
  • 50ml of Cachaça
  • 20ml of water
  • 8g of salt
Cover the dough and leave to rest in the fridge for 1 hour
While resting, prepare the filling. Place all the ingredients in a food processor and pulse together until it resembles breadcrumbs
Tip into a clean bowl and measure out a 10g portion. Press the crumbs together by hand, rolling to form a small ball. Transfer to a tray, repeating the process with the remaining mixture until all used up
Cover the tray with cling film and set aside until ready to assemble
Once the dough has rested, divide into 4 portions to make it easier to work with. Liberally dust a clean work surface with plain flour and take 1 portion of dough (keeping the remaining covered to stop it drying out)
  • plain flour, for dusting
Roll out the piece of dough as thinly as possible, about 2–3mm thick. Position the cheese balls over the dough, spacing out to leave border space around each ball
Brush the beaten egg yolks over the pastry between all the balls. Roll out a second piece of dough to the same thickness as the first, then place over the cheese balls to cover completely
Press down gently around each ball to stick the pastry together and seal. Use a small, round pastry cutter to cut around each ball, creating individual parcels. Press the pastry edges together firmly to ensure that no filling escapes while frying
Repeat with the remaining pastry and cheese balls until everything is used up
Preheat a deep-fryer to 150–160°C, or half fill a deep pan with oil and heat up to the correct temperature
  • vegetable oil, or sunflower oil
Working in batches, deep-fry the parcels for 2–3 minutes, moving around in the oil so they colour evenly all over. Once golden, remove with a slotted spoon and drain any excess oil on kitchen paper
Serve warm, scattered with a little fresh chilli and coriander to garnish

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Pastel de queijo

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