Lamb cutlets with herb sauce, fennel salad and Ratte potatoes


Perfectly pink lamb cutlets come accompanied by a simple herb sauce, zesty fennel and rocket salad and simply cooked potatoes in this easy, quick but seriously delicious sharing dish for two. If wild garlic isn't in season it can easily be replaced with other herbs in the sauce.

This dish pairs perfectly with Carnivor's Zinfandel red wine – the oaky, jammy flavours of the wine are the ideal partner for blushing pink lamb, while the zingy salad provides contrast to Carnivor's sweet and rich fruitiness.

Scott says: 'The flavours of Carnivor's Zinfandel red wine work a treat with the sweet lamb, the acidity of the fennel salad and the freshness of the herb sauce in this recipe. They're a perfect match and together create a fantastic sharing dish for two to enjoy.'

First published in 2021





Fennel salad

Herb sauce



Preheat an oven to 170°C/gas mark 3 and place an ovenproof frying pan over a high heat with a dash of rapeseed oil. Season the lamb with salt all over, then brown in the pan, ensuring the fat begins to render out and it turns golden. Add the thyme and garlic, then transfer to the oven for 12 minutes to finish cooking. Once cooked, leave to rest for 20 minutes in a warm place
While the lamb cooks, bring a pan of salted water to the boil and add the potatoes. Cook for 20 minutes, or until tender
Finely slice the fennel lengthways on a mandoline or using a very sharp knife. Toss in a bowl with a pinch of salt, a squeeze of lime juice and a drizzle of rapeseed oil, then mix the rocket leaves through it and set aside in a serving bowl. Any fennel fronds can be used to garnish the salad
To make the sauce, place all the herbs in a food processor blitz, drizzling in just enough rapeseed oil to create a loose, pesto-like consistency
Once the potatoes are cooked, drain and toss in rapeseed oil, salt and pepper
To serve, carve the rack of lamb into individual cutlets, then arrange on a large serving platter. Spoon the herb sauce into a bowl, then serve alongside the potatoes, fennel salad and a glass of red wine

A champion of Kentish produce, Scott Goss cooks comforting dishes full of familiar, nostalgically British flavours as executive chef of the I'll Be Mother restaurant group.

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