
Bayonne ham and celeriac remoulade


To begin the dish, add the egg yolks, anchovies, mustard and a splash of red wine vinegar to a food processor. Blitz the mixture until smooth, then very gradually add the oil, adding only a few drops to start with then building up to a steady stream once the mayonnaise starts to form
Once all of the oil has been incorporated, add a tiny splash of hot water. Taste for seasoning, adding black pepper to taste, and perhaps a little more mustard if necessary
Peel the celeriac and cut into very thin strips using one of the following methods: either slice the celeriac as thinly as you can, then cut the slices lengthways into spaghetti-like strips, or, use a Japanese vegetable mandoline with a medium strip attachment, taking great care not to cut your fingers
Add the celeriac to a bowl and use your hands to mix in mustard mayonnaise until well-coated, cover and refrigerate if not using immediately
To serve, place a pile of the remoulade in the middle of each plate. Arrange 2 slices of ham around each pile, sprinkle over a few capers and serve
  • 16 slices of Bayonne ham, or its equivalent from Parma or Serrano
  • 3 tbsp of capers

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Bayonne ham and celeriac remoulade

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