
Blanquette de poulet aux champignons



  • 450ml of whole milk
  • 2 tbsp of cornflour
  • salt
  • pepper
Mix the cornflour with a little Milk to make a smooth paste and set to one side. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan and bring to the boil – take it off the heat and whisk the cornflour and milk mixture into the hot milk. Continue to whisk over a gentle heat until the sauce has thickened. Season to taste and take the sauce off the heat and cover until needed.
Spray some of the garlic oil into a frying pan and add the mushrooms, fry them gently until cooked and then put them into a container
Spray some more oil into the frying pan, and add the chicken pieces, frying them until they are cooked and golden brown. Add the mushrooms and the white sauce, cover the pan and simmer over a gentle heat for about 5 minutes, or until the sauce is hot but not bubbling
Serve with steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes, or use for a pie filling

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Blanquette de poulet aux champignons

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