Cannelloni of braised English rabbit with glazed spring vegetables and black pudding purée

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This elegant rabbit dish actually contains some fairly robust flavours, with a black pudding purée and ham velouté, served with the rabbit filling for the cannelloni. Matthew Tomkinson prefers to use the slightly sweeter French black pudding for this recipe, which can be purchased online or from specialist retailers.

First published in 2015
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Black pudding

Ham velouté recipe

  • 1/2 small onion, finely sliced
  • 2 tbsp of white wine
  • 2 tbsp of cured ham, finely chopped
  • 40ml of whole milk
  • 40ml of whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp of English mustard

Glazed vegetables


  • Stick blender
  • Blender


To prepare the rabbit legs, season the legs heavily with the salt and place in tight fitting bowl with the herbs and garlic. Cover loosely with cling film and place a heavy weight on top. Leave for 24 hours and then remove and wash the legs well in running water
Bring the chicken stock up to a gentle simmer in a pan, and place the rabbit legs in so they are just covered. Cook for 2 hours or until tender. Allow to rest in the liquid off the heat for 1 hour and then remove
  • 1000ml of chicken stock
Pick all of the meat from the bones and reduce the stock until strong tasting but not salty. Reheat the rabbit meat in a few tablespoons of the stock, then add the butter and emulsify. Check the seasoning and add the chives
Place a mound of the mixture onto each of the fresh cannelloni sheets and roll up, making sure they are sealed tight. Keep warm until serving
  • 4 sheets of fresh cannelloni
For the black pudding, remove any skin from the black pudding and blend with the apple juice until very smooth. Season with the salt and pepper and warm gently and keep to one side
For the ham velouté, sweat the onion in a little olive oil until translucent, then add the ham and the wine. Boil for 5 minutes or until almost dry and add the cream, mustard and milk. Season and pass through a fine sieve, then keep warm
For the glazed vegetables, reheat the vegetables in the rabbit stock and add the butter, sugar, seasoning and herbs. Gently stir, making sure all the vegetables are coated, and keep warm until serving
To serve, place a large spoon of the black pudding purée on a warm serving plate, then top with a rabbit cannelloni. Heap some of the glazed vegetables on top, bled the ham velouté with a stick blender and spoon over. Serve immediately
First published in 2015

Matthew Tomkinson’s elegant and highly accomplished food earned him a Roux Scholarship in 2005, as well as Michelin stars at The Goose and The Montagu Arms.

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