
Burnt spring onion crema


Burnt spring onion crema

Homemade crema

  • 200ml of double cream, preferably organic
  • 1 1/2 tbsp of buttermilk, preferably organic
To begin, make the crema. Place the double cream in a pan and heat until it reaches 35°C. Remove from the heat, transfer to a glass jar and pour in the buttermilk
Loosely place the lid on the jar and set aside in a warm place for 24 hours. After this time, tighten up the lid and store in the fridge
Trim and clean the spring onions and preheat a griddle pan or better still, a barbecue. If you're using a pan, wipe the surface with some neutral oil (like rapeseed oil) and place the spring onions over a medium-high heat
Cook until the spring onions are nicely blackened, turning occasionally until deeply charred and caramelised
When the onions are ready, transfer to a high-powered blender and blitz with the crema (or sour cream) until as smooth as possible. Season to taste

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Burnt spring onion crema

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