Best end of pork with fennel and apple

  • medium
  • 8
  • 2 hours 30 minutes
Not yet rated

Marcus Wareing calls upon an array of dazzling components – smooth fennel purée, honey glazed apples, mustard and sage crumb, buttered baby turnips – to complement a prime cut of pork.

First published in 2015





Fennel purée

Honey glazed apples

Buttered baby turnips

Mustard and sage crumb

To serve


  • Mandoline
  • Blender
  • Ovenproof frying pan
  • Fine chinois


To prepare the pork, add the salt, sugar, thyme and rosemary to a blender and blitz to combine. Rub the cure over the entire surface of the pork, wrap in cling film and allow to cure for 3 hours in the fridge
After this time, rinse the pork well under cold running water and dry thoroughly with a clean cloth. Add the pork, skin-side down, to a cold pan and slowly bring up to temperature - this gradual heating will help to render the fat down more effectively. Cook gradually on a low heat for approximately 1 hour, to crisp up the crackling and so it turns a deep golden brown colour
Meanwhile, prepare the fennel purée. Using a mandoline, slice the fennel bulbs to make 2—3mm thick pieces, reserving the green parts and the fronds
To create an emulsion, heat the star anise, stock and butter in a saucepan until the butter melts. Add the fennel and cook until completely soft, then add the Pernod and reserved fronds and reduce by half
Strain and reserve the cooking liquid, discarding the star anise. Add the fennel to a blender with a small dash of the cooking liquid and blitz to form a smooth purée. Pass through a fine strainer into a saucepan. Cover and set aside to reheat once ready to serve
Preheat the oven to 160˚C/gas mark 2
Add honey to a pan until 1/2cm deep. Place over a low heat and warm gently until bubbling. Add the apples and roll in the pan to nicely coat and cover the apples. Once caramelised, place the pan in the oven and cook until the apples are cooked through and nicely glazed - this should take between 12—15 minutes, but keep checking them to make sure they have the desired ‘crunch’
For the turnips, quarter each turnip and peel down until nicely rounded. Bring a pan of water to the boil and blanch the turnips until tender. Refresh in iced water to stop the cooking process
Add the chicken stock to a pan and bring to a simmer. Whisk in knobs of butter to emulsify and season with salt. Drain the turnips and add to the emulsion, heating gently to finish cooking
For the mustard and sage crumb, add the breadcrumbs to a dry pan and toast over a medium heat until nicely golden. Add the mustard seeds, stir through and remove from the heat
Once the breadcrumbs have cooled, add the shallot and sage and stir to combine. Remove from the pan and set aside
A few minutes before the pork is ready, add the butter and the herbs, basting the flesh with the butter to glaze the meat and keep it moist. Allow to rest in a warm place for 15 minutes. Once ready to serve, warm through in the oven at 200˚C/gas mark 6 for 10 minutes
Cut the ribs away from the meat to make neat squares. Reheat the fennel purée, apples and turnips
Add the purée to each plate, followed by some of the mustard and sage crumb. Top with the pork and garnish with fennel cress. Serve the warm turnips and apples alongside
First published in 2015

Marcus Wareing defines his inimitable cooking style as 'not British cuisine, not French cuisine – it’s Marcus cuisine'.

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