
Sai oua – Northern Thai sausage

  • Main
  • Medium
  • Makes 12
  • 1 hour 30 minutes


Thai sausage

To serve

Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas mark 3.5
To begin, spread the garlic, turmeric, shallots, galangal and lemongrass on a baking tray and roast for approximately 10–15 minutes, until soft
Allow to cool, then add to a large pestle and mortar with the soaked chillies, coriander root and kaffir lime leaves. Grind to a fine paste
Mix the paste through the cubed pork shoulder then pass through a mincer on the largest grind setting. Chill in the fridge
Take a small lump of the mixture and fry off in a hot pan until cooked through. Taste and check the seasoning, adjusting if necessary
Portion the mixture into 100g sausages and encase in caul fat
Grill slowly over hot coals and serve with plenty of sliced bird’s eye chillies and hot mint to take the edge off the heat

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Sai oua – Northern Thai sausage

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