Rib-eye steak with chunky chips, field mushrooms and vine tomatoes

  • medium
  • 2
  • 2 hours 20 minutes
Not yet rated

Josh Eggleton's steak recipe reads like a paean to the much vaunted rib-eye cut. This rib-eye recipe is comfortingly paired with chunky chips, field mushrooms and vine tomatoes, while a balsamic glaze, which can be made well in advance, adds a restaurant quality touch to the dish.

First published in 2015




Rib-eye steaks

Balsamic glaze

  • 300ml of balsamic vinegar
  • 55g of caster sugar

Slow-roasted vine tomatoes

Chunky chips


  • Deep fat fryer


For the balsamic glaze, place the sugar and vinegar in a wide pan. Bring to the boil and reduce to the consistency of a thin syrup - if too thick, continue to reduce or add some water
  • 300ml of balsamic vinegar
  • 55g of caster sugar
Once you are happy with the consistency, pour into a squeezy bottle and set aside - the balsamic glaze will keep for weeks
For the slow-roasted tomatoes, cut the tomatoes in half. Then, season with sea salt, cracked black pepper and lay 2 sprigs of thyme on top of the tomatoes. Place into an oven set to 50°C and cook for two hours - if rushed for time, set the oven to a higher temperature and cook for a shorter duration, though this will impinge on the taste
For the chips, peel the potatoes and cut into large, chunky chips. Place the chips into a large pan and cover with cold water and sea salt. Place on the hob and bring up to the boil
Just before the chips are boiling, remove from the heat and drain in a colander - make sure they do not break up. Leave the chips to cool then lay on a tray and transfer to the fridge to dry out, leave for an hour
After an hour, set the deep fat fryer to 140°C and blanch the chips until cooked through - approximately 12-15 minutes, there should be no colour to them
  • vegetable oil, for deep frying
Meanwhile, remove the tomatoes from the oven and keep warm. Turn the oven up to 180°C/gas mark 4. Season and lightly oil the mushrooms with vegetable oil and place in the oven for 12 minutes
Place a frying pan over a high heat and heat until smoking. Season the rib-eye's with cracked pepper and sea salt, rub with vegetable oil and a sprig of thyme
Turn the heat down and cook the steaks to your liking, turning halfway through cooking. Once cooked, allow to rest for as long as you cooked the steaks for
While the steaks are resting, cook the chips for a third time in the deep fat fryer at 190°C until crisp. Drain and season with salt
To serve, squeeze some of the balsamic glaze across 2 large plates. Place the mushrooms and tomatoes on the glaze and top with the rib-eye steaks. Arrange the chips next to the steaks and serve immediately
First published in 2015

Josh Eggleton turned down jobs with some of Britain’s most renowned chefs in order to follow his dream of running his own establishment. At The Pony Chew Valley, he cooks modern British food with an emphasis on sustainability and artisanship.

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