Lamb loin, Parmesan risotto and pan juices


This exceptional lamb loin recipe from Chris Horridge features a wonderful combination of elements, with blushing lamb served on a bed of creamy Parmesan risotto and wilted spinach, finished off with roast shallots, wild mushrooms and olives.

First published in 2015




Lamb loin

Parmesan Risotto


Roast Shallots

Wild mushrooms

To plate


  • Ovenproof frying pan


Remove the meat from the fridge and leave to sit at room temperature for one hour. Melt the butter over a medium heat and sweat the shallots without browning for 2 minutes. Add the rice to the shallots and cook for a further 2 mintues
Pour over half the water and bring to a simmer. Season with salt and pepper. Lower the heat and cook slowly for 14 minutes, adding the water gradually and seasoning as required
Remove from the heat, add the parmesan cheese and truffle oil. Stir gently with a plastic spatula. Pour onto a tray and cover until required
Heat the oven to 180˚C/gas mark 4. Coat the shallots in a little olive oil and salt and roast in the oven for 45 minutes until tender. Remove from the oven and leave to cool before slicing in half length ways
Heat the oven to 180°C/Gas mark 4 so that it is ready for the lamb. In an ovenproof frying pan, cook the lamb loins on a high heat in 1 tablespoon of oil, colouring them evenly all over
Add a knob of butter and continue to cook until nicely caramelised, which should take approximately 3-4 minutes
Season. Cook in the oven for 5 minutes. Add the garlic and rosemary and coat the lamb. Rest on a plate with all the roasting juices. Place the roasted shallots in the oven to gently warm through for a few minutes
Sweat the spinach in the butter. Drain well, pressing it between two cloths to soak up the excess water
Warm the risotto in a pan, adding a little water if needed, then cook until hot and has the consistency of rice pudding
In a small pan, melt the butter on a medium to high heat. Once it begins to foam, add the wild mushrooms and saute until golden and remove from the heat. Slice the cheeks of flesh off the olives and add to the pan to warm through
Spoon the risotto onto the plate and place a line of spinach on top. Slice the lamb and season each slice, then place on top of the spinach. Place the shallots, mushrooms and olives around, spoon over some pan juices. Finish with the micro-parsley
First published in 2015

Chris Horridge is a master of balancing unusual flavours to great effect, working at various Michelin-starred restaurants around the country and earning his own star for his kitchen garden-driven food. He is a passionate advocate of nutritious, ‘free from’ food, choosing and pairing ingredients based on their effect on the body as much as flavour.

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