Rabbit with mustard sauce and bacon


Henry Harris speaks the language of humble, provincial French cuisine with fluency, and his traditional rabbit with mustard sauce (or lapin à la moutarde) is suitably classy - quick to produce and tasty. The chef recommends using good quality Dijon mustard for this rabbit with mustard recipe, and to only whisk it in just before serving - this will help to retain the vibrancy of flavour

First published in 2015




Rabbit legs

Mustard sauce

To serve


Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4
Add a knob of butter to a stainless steel pan and allow to melt over a medium heat. Add the shallots, cook until soft, then add the garlic. Cook for a further 30 seconds, shaking the pan to distribute evenly, then add a good splash of white wine
Bring to the boil, reduce the wine by half, then pour in the stock and reduce by half again
  • 100ml of chicken stock
Add the whipping cream and bring to a gentle simmer. Cook until slightly thickened - this should take approximately 5 minutes. Season and set aside
To cook the rabbit, add a knob of butter to a heavy, cast iron dish. Heat until foaming, then season the rabbit legs with salt and pepper and add to the pan. Cook over a medium heat, making sure you turn the legs often to achieve a golden-brown colour all over. If you are concerned that the butter may start to burn, add an equal amount of olive oil while the butter is melting
Place the dish in the oven and cook for 10 minutes, until the rabbit is cooked through and tender. Remove from the oven, keep warm and lay the bacon rashers out on a baking sheet. Cook until crisp, then leave to rest in a warm place
Add the beans to a pan with a large knob of butter to gently heat through. Quickly reheat the sauce until warmed through, then whisk in the mustard - this must be done speedily so that the flavour of the mustard remains vibrant.
Divide the beans onto plates, then top each mound of beans with a rabbit leg, placing the bacon on top. Pour the sauce into the base of the dish and serve immediately
First published in 2015

Henry Harris’s cuisine recalls the fine traditions of French bourgeois cooking with affection and generosity.

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