
Mussels éclade



Confit shallots

Place the peeled shallots in a saucepan with the butter, pine needles and seasoning. Add enough water to just cover the contents of the pan and bring to the boil
Reduce to a gentle simmer, cover with a cartouche and cook for 10-15 minutes until tender. Allow to cool in the liquid and set aside until required
Trim the woody stems off the asparagus and then cut at an angle into thirds
Place a wok on a very high heat and once hot, add the pine needles followed by the mussels, garlic, asparagus, olive oil and a sprinkling of salt. Cover with a lid and cook for 2-3 minutes until the mussels begin to open
  • 50g of olive oil, or butter
  • 1 garlic clove , large, thinly sliced (optional)
  • 250g of pine needles, fresh, washed
  • 1000g of mussels , cleaned
  • salt
Remove from the heat and place into serving bowls or pots. Slice the shallots into thick pieces, add to the mussels and serve immediately

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Mussels éclade

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