Cream of asparagus soup with flaked smoked haddock

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Looking for something to do with that bunch of asparagus? Mark Dodson's soup is the perfect solution – easy to put together, delicious and a real feast for the eyes. The smoked haddock hiding underneath turns this into proper comfort food, and you can easily serve four out of a single bunch of spears.

First published in 2019





Sweat the onion, leek and celery in a pan with the olive oil until soft but without colour. Discard the woody ends of the asparagus, slice off and reserve the tips and slice the stalks into circles. Add the sliced stalks to the pan
Add the chicken stock and cook gently until the vegetables are soft (about 45 minutes to 1 hour)
  • 1l chicken stock
Meanwhile, place the smoked haddock In a saucepan and pour over the double cream. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and leave to cook for a couple of minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the haddock and keep warm. Pass the cream through a fine sieve and reserve
Use a hand blender to blitz the soup until smooth, then pass through a fine sieve. Bring back to the boil, season and keep warm. Cook the asparagus tips in rapidly boiling salted water until tender – a couple of minutes – then drain
To serve, pour the soup into suitable pre-warmed bowls and flake the cooked haddock into the centre. Garnish with the asparagus tips, chives and garlic flowers (if using), then drizzle the reserved cream around the sides
First published in 2019

Mark Dodson speaks the language of comfort food with Shakespearean fluency, turning perfectly formed elements into down-to-earth (but heavenly) compositions.

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