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How to use leftover egg whites

Using up leftover egg whites can seem like a daunting task, but in reality, egg whites often already act as the base for a range of beloved dishes and desserts. From light and airy meringues that melt in your mouth to airy angel food cakes, the aeration and stabilisation qualities of egg whites are the backbone of many dishes. Think of delicate macarons with crisp shells and chewy centres, and soufflés that rise to impressive heights - both rely on egg whites to create their signature textures.

Egg whites have a range of qualities that make them very useful. They are a reliable binding agent, helping to hold ingredients together in dishes like meatballs and fritters. When creating stuffings for roasts, egg whites can be added to the base to help keep the stuffing stable and avoid it falling apart. Egg whites also provide a lot of moisture, helping to stabilise glazes and coatings, and can even be used to clarify stocks and broths to create beautifully clear consommés.

In baking, egg whites are an invaluable ingredient, enhancing both texture and structure in various recipes. Whipped egg whites are typically folded into batters to create a light consistency for cakes, soufflés, and chiffon pies. Their ability to trap air bubbles creates a fluffy texture sought after in angel food cakes and pavlovas, helping the meringues hold together and create a glossy sheen when baked. Additionally, brushing the whites onto pastries before baking creates a glossy sheen after they come out of the oven, as well as that sought-after crisp, golden crust.

Simple French meringue recipe:



Preheat the oven to 120°C fan. Transfer the egg whites to a clean mixing bowl and use an electric whisk to beat the eggs 


Once the whites begin to foam, add the sugar gradually, in small batches. Once the egg whites have reached stiff peaks, check that the sugar has dissolved by pinching a small amount between your fingers. If you can still feel sugar granules, continue whisking for a couple of minutes; if not, transfer to a piping bag 


Pipe the meringue onto a tray lined with parchment paper and cook for about an hour, or until the outside of the meringue is crisp


Check for readiness by seeing if the base of the meringue easily lifts off the parchment paper; if it does, then it is ready

Yes, leftover egg whites can be frozen for future use. To freeze them, simply transfer to an airtight container or freezer bag and pop them in the freezer until needed. Make sure to label the container with the date to keep track of freshness. Sometimes egg whites can become slightly watery after thawing, to avoid this, some chefs recommend adding a pinch of salt or sugar to help with stability. When you’re ready to use the whites, simply thaw them overnight in the fridge or in a bowl of cold water. Once thawed, the whites should be used promptly to avoid spoiling.

Leftover egg whites can be used to create a variety of easy and delicious recipes. One simple yet impressive option is to make a meringue, where egg whites are beaten and mixed with sugar until stiff peaks form, then piped or spooned onto trays and baked until crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. Try Jeremy Lee’s meringue tumble with rhubarb or Rachel Walker’s Meringue with yuzu curd and griddled persimmon. Why not give some of our other egg white based desserts like Dominic Chapman’s raspberry soufflé or Peter Sanchez-Iglesias’ chocolate mousse with olive oil a go? Or if you’re feeling adventurous, try making your own miso marshmallow using Larkin Cen’s recipe. Below we've used leftover egg whites in two simple recipes – an apple and sake sour cocktail, and a moreish Lebanese garlic dip called toum.

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