
Sous vide lamb neck with Moroccan spices


Sous vide lamb neck confit

In a hot dry frying pan, lightly roast the fennel, coriander and cumin seeds one spice at a time
Grind the spices and combine with the remaining spices, salt and pepper. Transfer to a small bowl. Peel and crush the garlic, add to spice mix then pour in the oil, stir to make a paste
Rub the spices over the lamb neck fillets and place in a covered plastic container. Leave in refrigerator overnight
The next day, fill a sous vide machine with water and heat to 76°C. When the sous vide achieves the correct temperature, vacuum seal the lamb neck fillets into individual sous vide bags
Place the bags in the water bath and cook for 18 hours
If you are planning to serve immediately, take the bags out of the water bath, cut them open and gently take out the cooked lamb. Discard the cooking juices, or you can use them to make a sauce. If you plan to serve the dish later, plunge the sealed sous vide bags into ice cold water
Keep the bags containing lamb chilled in a refrigerator until ready to serve
When ready to serve (if cooking after chilling) warm a pan of water on the stove to a gentle simmer – about 76-80°C if you have a temperature probe. Heat the lamb within the sealed bags for around 20 to 25 minutes to ensure the chilled meat is fully rewarmed all the way through

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Sous vide lamb neck with Moroccan spices

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