

  • Side
  • Medium
  • 4
  • 60 minutes


  • 15 patra leaves , (colocasia leaves) – available from most Asian/Indian grocery shops or use spinach leaves


To serve

Clean, wash and wipe the leaves. Slice off any thick veins with a pair of scissors or a sharp knife, then wrap the leaves in a damp tea towel or muslin cloth and set aside
Mix all the paste ingredients together to form a thick mixture, if it’s too dry add a little warm water to loosen it (it needs to be spreadable)
Place one of the leaves face down on a flat work surface and spread a thin layer of the paste over the back of the leaf. Place another leaf on top and coat with the paste. Continue until you have four layers
With the final layer of paste on top, fold in the edges and roll the leaves together, starting with the base and rolling towards the tips. Make sure the roll is quite tight and then seal the sides with some paste
Repeat until you’ve used up all your leaves and paste. Set aside somewhere cool for about 30 minutes, then steam for about 20 minutes and allow to cool
Once they are cool enough to handle, chop the rolls into pieces. Add a little oil to a wok or frying pan over a medium-high heat and add the chopped leaves, mustard, cumin and sesame seeds
Stir-fry for a few minutes until fragrant, then sprinkle over some fresh coriander to serve

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