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How to dice an avocado

by Great British Chefs11 July 2016

How to dice an avocado

Avocado is an increasingly popular breakfast choice and is also a great addition to salads, smoothies and even desserts. A real superfood, avocado is full of nutrients and healthy fats and low in cholesterol and sodium.

Learning to de-stone and cut an avocado is a simple, quick task, as long as you have a sharp knife. Ensure that the avocado is ripe as not only will the taste be inferior when unripe, but it will also be difficult to cut neatly and safely.


Place the avocado lengthways on a chopping board. Using a large, sharp knife, make a simple cut sideways into the avocado, slicing it in half
When the knife hits the stone, follow the line of the stone to slice all the way around
Twist the two halves apart to open
To remove the stone, take the heel of the knife and tap into the stone. Twist the stone and pull out to remove
Cut each half into quarters to make the avocado easier to peel
Take a small paring knife and insert the tip just under the skin of one quarter. Pull the peel away from the flesh to remove
Place the peeled wedges flat-side down on the board and slice lengthways to create thinner pieces
Turn the pieces sideways and hold the avocado with a claw-like grip then cut into dice, remembering to slice with the knife rather than pushing or forcing it through the flesh

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