Lovage recipes

Chilled cucumber and lovage soup

Lovage recipes

Lovage is a large, leafy plant that tastes a little like a cross between celery leaves and parsley, and is a relative of both plants. However, lovage has a stronger flavour than parsley, so have a nibble before using it if you’ve never tasted it before. You might want to dial back the amount you use!

Although very popular in the UK in the middle ages – and still extremely popular in Romania – until recently lovage was rarely used in British cooking. It’s slowly staging something of a comeback, but is still quite hard to find in shops. Luckily it’s quite easy to grow – almost too easy in fact, as lovage plants can grow to be quite big with little encouragement, and will need cutting back to keep them in check. Although most recipes for lovage call for the lovage leaves, the stem, seeds and even the root are all edible.

Rather confusingly, alexanders – a coastal plant that grows wild around the UK – is often referred to as ‘black lovage’. The two are separate species, but do taste a little alike and lovage stems can substitute for alexanders stems in a pinch.

Check out our full collection of lovage recipes below for more ideas on how to enjoy lovage with everything from soups to seafood.


12 Recipes | Page 1 of 6


12 Recipes | Page 1 of 6