
Rolled breast of lamb


Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas mark 3.5
Lay the lamb breasts flat, skin side down, and sprinkle with the chopped herbs, plenty of salt, and a few twists of pepper. Tie up tightly as best you can. Get a heavy-bottomed pan hot over a good flame with a splash of oil, and brown the breasts all over, seasoning as you go
Transfer to a roasting tray. Add the wine to the frying pan and simmer for a few minutes, scraping up any bits as you go. Tip this over the lamb and cover tightly with foil. Bung in the oven and gently cook for 4 hours
Remove the lamb breast to a plate to rest, and leave the juices until the fat rises to the top. Skim this off and discard, then tip the juice into a saucepan and simmer to reduce. You could add butter at this point but in the summer perhaps it’s unnecessary
Thickly slice the breast and serve with the juice and whatever sides you’re having

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Rolled breast of lamb

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